Marketing campaigns powered by brand ambassadors

Create Campaign Activities

Create campaigns made up of individual challenges for ambassadors to complete such as:

Social Media Posts

Brand ambassadors can post pre-configured social media messages or select posts from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram directly from BrandChamp.

Referral Sales

Automatically add referral tracking URLs and discount codes to challenges for each brand ambassador to track every sale generated.

Creative Content

Leverage ambassadors to generate all types of authentic, creative content for use in marketing campaigns.

Product Reviews

Get more reviews for products by creating a product review challenge.

Custom Challenges

Setup custom challenges that can contain multiple marketing activities and special rewards.

Ambassador marketing examples mobile Instagram post product review
Interface ambassador management activities product review video user generated content social post

Configure Advanced Settings


Create unique or recurring activities for brand ambassadors to complete that include social media posts, content creation, and any others you can dream up.


Manage multiple campaigns made up of unique challenges, activities and rewards targeting individual segments of your ambassador community.


Design rewards that ambassadors can claim using cash and/or points earned from marketing activities and referral sales.

Detailed Ambassador Analytics and Reports

See detailed reports on total referral sales, referrals by segment, and individual brand ambassador performance.

Activity Feed

Review challenges completed by brand ambassadors on a real-time activity feed. Preview social media posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter directly within the BrandChamp brand ambassador platform.

Referral Sales

Detailed analytics on referral sales and the impact it has on total sales with the ability to see how many sales each brand ambassador generates.


See detailed reports covering all challenges, overall engagement and the challenges completed by each ambassador.

Interface drawing analytics reports Instagram photos

Join some of the fastest growing brands

Build a successful ambassador program that increases referral sales, creates valuable user-generated content and rewards customer loyalty.

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